its officially the end.
the conclusion to my final major project.
au revoir manchester :)
"I set out to discover unused spaces in Manchester and turn them into performance venues, and although I originally intended to extend existing spaces rather than creating new space, I feel I still have achieved my vision this project.
I wanted to create structures that reflected Manchester. That developed unused spaces and created theatrical areas in which performances could grow and evolve.
Through my search for unused spaces, expanses of land that served no apparent purpose, I opened the door to a wide variety of backdrops. Each space had a different character, and something different to offer.
I was particular influenced by the industrial, art deco architecture found near the Museum for Science and Industry. Emulating that strength and simplicity of design became a real focus from then on.
During the design process my concentration switched from designing a set of structures, to designing just one. It wasn’t until I allowed myself to relax and play with materials that an idea formed and fell into place. I remained fascinated with arches and reflective surfaces throughout the project and by manipulating plastic I captured everything I had been aiming for.
A neutral, new space, open to all interpretation, yet still figuratively, and literally, reflecting Manchester.
My reflective journal has actually been a surprising help. It has helped me set targets and really track the progress of my work, allowing me to look back and reconsider thought processes and hone in on what I really wanted to achieve. It’s a method I had never used before but it is one I will be sure to use again, although I found it difficult to use alongside an additional notebook in future I hope to combine the two for a more thorough investigation.
This has been a unit of brick walls and breakthroughs, ups and downs. Looking back I am confident that this project represents my ideas surrounding theatre and also my work ethic, as a fast paced designer with work that goes straight to the heart of my brief."
its been a long year. a highly educating year. i leave more independent, and even MORE strong minded. i feel now more than ever that i know what i want to achieve and im confident that with time and a hell of alot of hardwork, i'll get it.